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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Crew Members Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice 

These 215 DUSTOFF and MEDEVAC warriors made the ultimate sacrifice "So That Others May Live."  They have departed from the physical world, but they live in our hearts and minds.

"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This,

That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends."

John 15:13

WO1 Thomas Edward Adams
SP5 Russell George Ahrens
SP4 Ronald Kevin Allgood
SP4 John Stephen Alling Jr.
PFC Orin Larry Allred
SP4 Robert Warren Alverson Jr.
WO1 Rocky D. Armstead
WO1 Rodney Keith Arnold
SP5 Steven Ernest Arnold
WO1 Orval Arthur Baldwin
MAJ William Joseph Ballinger
1LT Stephen Carl Beals
SP4 Gary Lee Bowdler
CPT Robert Neal Bradley
WO1 Michael Lee Bradley
WO1 Paul Robert Brass
SP4 Clifford Sheran Bratcher
WO1 John Ramsey Bregler
SFC James Harrison Brooks Jr.
CW2 Joseph Gordon Brown
SP5 Harry Willis Brown
SP5 Michael Lee Brummer
1LT Robert Gene Burlingham
WO1 Edward L. Bush
WO1 Gerald Lewis Caton
WO1 William Charles Cheney
1LT Thomas James Chiminello
WO1 John Stephen Chrin
SP4 Ralph Silvio Cinotti
WO1 Timothy Cole Jr.
SP6 James Thaddeus Conway
CW2 Donald Richard Cook
CPT Robert Lee Cottman
SP4 Charles Allen Covey
SP5 Daniel Franklin Cox
SGT Michael Lee Darrah
WO1 Sylvester Davis
CPL Ray Delgado
SP5 Billy Wayne Denley
SP5 Louis Scott DiBari
SP4 Robert W. Dieffenbach Jr.
SP5 Herbert C. Donaldson Jr.
SP5 Ronald L. Doolittle
WO1 Gary Wayne Doolittle
WO1 James Donald Doran
SP4 Gary Lynn Dubach
SP4 Zettie J. C. Dulin
1LT Dennis Boyd Easley
CW2 Gary W. Engelhardt
1LT Guy Bernard Ephland Jr.
PFC William Esposito Jr.
SP5 David J. Ewing
SP5 Joseph Michael Feeney
SGT Tennis Crispian Ferrell
SP4 Ronald Richard Fillmore
CPL Joel Carol Fowler
WO1 Reinis Fox
WO1 Randall Gaylord Freeman
CPT Joe Raymond Fulghum Jr.
SGT David John Funes
WO1 Alfred James Gaidis
1LT Lawrence Gallego
MAJ Kent Ellsworth Gandy
SP4 Harold Cornell Gay
SP4 Charles Elbert Gay
SGT Hugo Araux Gaytan
SP4 Dennis Elbert Gilliland
SP4 Francis E. Glazebrook
SP4 Dalton Truro Goff
WO1 Bruce Elliot Graham
SP4 Ronald Lester Granville
SP5 Willie F. Green
SP5 Johnny Glen Gregg
WO1 Dennis Arthur Groth
SP4 Wade Lawrence Groth
WO1 Alan Wendell Gunn
SP4 Gregory Lee Habets
CW2 Terence Arnold Handley
SP4 William Edward Hawkins
SFC William Roy Henderson
SGT Victor R. Hernandez
SP4 Ramiro Herrera Jr.
PFC Clifford Herrin
SP5 Theodore W. High IV
CPT John Richard Hill
CW2 Robert Oren Hill Jr.
WO1 William Colqueth Hix Jr.
CW3 Ferman Bobby Hodges
PFC Joseph Hoggatt
PFC William Delbert Holland
CW2 Robert Louis Horst
PFC Rudolph Jackymack
CW2 John C. Johnson
SP4 Gary Morgan Johnson
SGT David Keith Johnson
WO1 Guy Frederick Johnson
SP5 Stephen Freddie Johnson
PFC Phillip Harry Johnson
PFC Robert Earnest Jones
CPT Charles Franklin Kane Jr.
SP5 Kevin Reynolds Keleher
SP4 Michael Patrick Kelley
MAJ Charles L. Kelly
SP4 Jeffery David Kuersten
CPT Kurt Lloyd Kuhns
PFC Douglas Mason Kyser
SP4 Kenneth Howard Lamborn
SP4 Larry Gay Lance
SP5 Lawrence Lano
SP4 John Alyn Largent
SP4 Brent Robin Law
WO1 Robert Emmett Layman Jr.
1LT Jerry Tyrus Lee
SP4 John Joseph Levulis
1LT William Russel Lewis Jr.
1LT Jack Rowley Lichte Jr.
PFC Randall Wayne Love
CW2 Chester Anthony Luc
WO1 Christopher Dutcher Lucci
SP5 Charles Lavern Lumm
SP4 David Webster MacLurg
1LT Douglas Gerald MacNeil
SP4 William Arthur Malenfant
SP4 James Anthony Margro
SP5 Donald Ray Marlow
SP4 Ronald Andrew Martin
SGT Gilivaldo A. Martinez Jr
SP4 Thomas Michael Martinez
SP4 Alan Louis Matte
SP4 Calvin Eugene McGilton
SP4 James Ronald McNish
SP4 Guy Lamar Mears Jr.
SP5 David Phillip Medina
SP5 James Wood Megehee
CW2 Anthony Joseph Mensen
CPT George Louis Miner
SP4 Billy Vance Morris
SP4 John William Murphy
WO1 John Laurence Nesovanovic
SP5 Roland Albert Nielsen
SP5 Kenneth Clifford Nokes
WO1 Edward Terry O'Brien
WO1 William Avalon Parker
PFC Ricky Alan Pate
CW2 Billy Dean Pedings
WO1 Hugh Michael Pettit
MAJ Harry V. Phillips Jr.
SP5 Michael John Poll
CPT Otha Lensey Poole
WO1 Robert George Porea
MAJ Larry Gene Powell
WO1 Thomas Ronald Pursell
WO1 Forrest De Vere Rains Jr.
WO1 John Veron Rauen
SP4 Dennis Edward Reese
PFC Karl Lewis Reineccius
WO1 George Warren Rice
Jeffery Allen Richardson
SP5 James Evert Richardson
SP5 Charles Samuel Ridout
SP4 Richard John Rochacz
WO1 Don Leslie Rock
1LT Jerry Lee Roe
WO1 Roger Clarke Rose
SGT Kenneth Ray Rucker
SP5 Carlos Wilson Rucker
CPT Marion Gilmer Runion
SP5 Stephen J. Saluga III
SP4 Richard W. Sanders
1LT Kenneth Martin Schlie
1LT Phillip Nicholas Schmitz
1LT Howard Jon Schnabolk
SP4 Anton John Schnobrich
CW2 Ronald Kenneth Schulz
SP4 Stephen Lawren Schumacher
WO1 Arvid Oscar Silverberg
SP5 Wayne Carl Simmons
SP4 Teddy Ray Sininger
PFC Robert Royce Sloppye
WO1 Charles Franklin Smith
CW2 John Raymond Smith
WO1 John Martin Souther
SP5 Robert Fritz Speer
CW2 Thomas Joseph Stanush
WO1 Roy Miles Stillwell
WO1 Douglas Earl Stover
WO1 John Phillip Supple
SP5 Hubert Daniel Sutton
SP5 Loran Edgar Sweat Jr.
SGT Gary Lynn Taylor
WO1 Gary David Thatcher
SP4 John Douglas Thrasher
PFC Lewis Arthur Trask
SP4 Ronald Gale Trogdon
WO1 Jonathan R. Vars
1LT David Bard Wainwright
SP4 James Reese Walters
WO1 Fredrick Stephen Walters
SP4 Richard Freeman Walton
SP4 Thomas Ray Weiss
SGT David A. Wencl
SP5 Gregory Lee White
SP4 Jeffrey Merle White
SGT James Lawrence Wieler
SSG Leroy Williams
PFC Morris Edward Williams
CPT Jesse Allan Wisdom
SP5 Jack Lee Wolfe
SP5 Donald Wood
CPT Donald Coles Woodruff
SP5 Dwight D. Woolf
SP4 Kirk Allen Woolley
WO1 James George Zeimet
1LT Alan Harry Zimmerman