Minutes from 2018 Reunion
October 11, 2018, at 0858 hours, President Steve Vermillion called the meeting to order.
Richard Dean gave a financial report.
Steve talked about flying Saturday, weather permitting. All who are planning on flying need to sign the release form.
Friday’s trip to Bell Helicopter, absolutely no Cell Phones or cameras allowed. Leave them in hotel room or locked in your car.
Please wear your Tan Shirts for the Memorial Service on Thursday, and your Maroon Shirt for the banquet on Friday Evening.
Drawing for two nights free stay, winners were Doug and Ann Peterson. They graciously donated the money back to VDA.
Reunion for 2019 will be in Nashville, late September.
Barbara Lilly, Donut Dolly, showed a slide show and spoke about Sons and Daughters In Touch. A web side for children of military who lost their dads. Later in the evening presented a movie.
Mary Ann Barnett, Army Medical Specialist Copr. Presented a slide show about her Physical Therapy years in the Army.
1010 hours Break, return at 1025 hours.
1038 hours Reconvene Barbara Lilly showed short film.
1138 hours Adjourn for tours.
10-13-18 @ 1045 hours Brought back to order to wrap up general meeting.
Last years minutes were approved by Bob Bixby and John Sabanosh. 1st & 2nd Approved.
Nashville 2019, John Sabanosh and Fred Rogne 1st & 2nd Approved.
John Sabanosh moved to add Paul Harpole to the Board. Fred Rogne and Neal Caspersen 1st & 2nd Approved Title: To Be Determined.
Suggestions for 2020 Reunion: Savannah, GA, Peru, ID, Kansas, City KS, D.C., New Orleans, LA. Board will look at suggestions.
Steve said, Underground education Center is not happening, not sure where money went, watch where you send money.
11:09 Meeting adjourned John Sabonosh and Bob Bixby 1st & 2nd Approved.