VDA 2017 General Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2017, at 0850 hours, President Steve Vermillion called meeting to order.
Pledge led by Michael Logan
Invocation by John Glenn
Last years minute were approved by Tammy Caspersen and John Glenn.
Steve talked about Brick Donation, Memorial, and went over the agenda for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Discussed about Amarillo, TX for our 2018 Reunion. Paul talked about what he has tentatively planned for next year.
Board Meeting last night talked about Nashville, TN, also receptive to other locations.
Steve talked about VVMF wall in D.C. His brother-in-law’s name was placed on the wall, and he and Lori went for the dedication.
Brian Prahl would like to Face Time with Doug Beeler around 1345 hours, he was a Pilot A/C Dustoff 39 with the 45th Med Co.
John Sabanosh talked about the plans for tonight’s dinner that is being Hosted by the Vietnam Veterans Association Chapter 850.
Richard Dean gave a quick overall Treasure Report.
Kathy Logan talked about the Ladies Bling Bling Shirts.
Debby Moore was guest speaker. She talked about her experience in Vietnam and showed a slide show of her two tours.
VDA presented John Sabanosh with a plaque.
Paul Davis from VVA 850 talked about how they acquired the Huey at the Memorial.
Joe Startt talked about hearing the whop, whop from the huey and being saved by Dustoff.
Susan Shannon, is a VA Therapist from Mental Health Vet Center, spoke to the group[.
Doug Peterson showed a video.
Governor of Delaware, John Charles Carney and State Representative, Willaim J. Carson, spoke to group and mingled afterward with our veterans.
Meeting Adjourned at 1245 hours.